DE 2

client: Porigami / Tereza Hradilková
building type: exposition

project: 2015

author: Markéta Zdebská

in cooperation with:

Marek Žáček, Nadia Kościow

photodocumentation: Markéta Zdebská

Proposal: Tereza Hradilková approached Markéta Zdebská and her studio BY architects to cooperate on a exhibition concept for Designblok (Prague Design and Fashion week). Together they designed a system of movable panels for PORIGAMI that is easily usable for another purposes thanks to its variability. The colours of natural wood, tones of grey and its subtle combinations with translucent papers let the various PORIGAMI products excel perfectly. The panels support these compelling creations by its articulation, different backgrounds and by offering see-throughs towards rear background. The subtle perforations of the products are underlined by compound LED lightning.


BY architects, spol. s r.o.

ateliér: Jaromírova 20, 128 00 Praha 2

774 312 433,

sídlo: Pod Zvonařkou 2317/1, 120 00 Praha 2

IČO: 077 40 557

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